Saturday, September 4, 2010

Photoshop Tutorial: Making Clean Pictures of Items

Well, here's my first tutorial with Photoshop. It's not revolutionary in concept, but hopefully it would be a bit of help to those starting out or just a refresher for veterans. Also, please bear in mind that my tutorials are done using Adobe Creative Suite 5 (CS5). However, that shouldn't make much of a difference if you are using CS, CS2, CS3, or CS4. 

Mis-Pup's Etsy Shop

I'm excited and apprehensive at the same time! ^3^

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fish, Black Beans, Onions, and Pickled Ginger??

I'm pretty sure being on a diet makes my brain not work and does not...complete...sentences...correctly...form...does...not...compute...'s pretty gross. My cooking skills have gone down the drain because I've been counting calories and trying to find a balance between less calories and yumminess is proving to be hard. :P


4 oz. tilapia filet
3 tbsp of diced onion
1 tbsp of parsley
dash of garlic salt
dash of cinnamon
dash of pepper
dash of paprika

Secret Ingredient: 1 tbsp of pickled ginger